Category: Delegate Notes – Day 2, Session 1

Why socio-economics matters in the marine and coastal

Chris Williams New Economics Foundation T: 0207 820 6404 E: About NEF and our work on the marine environment: NEF is a leading UK think tank driving change towards a sustainable economy that delivers human wellbeing, social justice and environmental sustainability. NEF’s environment programme demonstrates that managing natural resources in a sustainable way is …

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Implications of the EU Landings Obligation for Nephrops (prawn) trawl fisheries

Clive Fox Scottish Association for Marine Science, Dunstaffnage, Oban, PA37 1QA T: 01631 559000 E: The new Landings Obligation, often called the discards ban, is a major change in European fisheries policy. This change of direction appears to have been introduced largely in response to the phenomenal success of a high profile publicity campaign …

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Mobile marine species conservation: Current challenges

Dr Lissa Batey Living Seas Officer, The Wildlife Trusts, The Kiln, Waterside, Mather Road, Newark, NG24 1WT T: 01752 484311 E: The seas around the UK are home to a biologically diverse array of marine species and habitats. Of the large marine megafauna, we have 29 species of whale, dolphin, porpoise (known collectively as …

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Marine Planning – The European Dimension: The MSP Directive

Rhona Fairgrieve European Commission E: The entry into force of the EU’s Maritime Spatial Planning Directive in September 2014 requires all relevant European Member States to develop Maritime Spatial Plans by 31 March 2021.  It establishes the framework for Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) aimed at promoting the sustainable growth of maritime economies, the sustainable …

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Marine Planning: delivery and future development from an England perspective

Dr Paul Gilliland Head, Marine Planning, Marine Management Organisation T: 0300 0604299 E: W: The delivery of marine planning in England continues to make progress and continues to remain challenging. The presentation will provide an update on developments with the East and South marine plans, some of the learning thus far, and outline …

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