Category: Delegate Notes – Day 2, Session 2

LIFE – but not as we know it – Low impact fisheries 

Jerry Percy Executive Director Low Impact Fishers of Europe T: 01437 751242 M: 07799 698 568 E: 80% of the fishing fleet across Europe are deemed to be “small scale”. Whilst there is an official EU definition for small scale of; “under 12 metres in length, not using towed gears” the actual small scale …

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CFP Reforms: The direction for Fisheries: It’s not the fishermen’s fault!

Jim Portus BSc, CMarTech, FIMarEST Chief Executive since 1989 of South Western Fish Producer Organisation Limited (SWFPO) 5, Pynewood House, 1a Exeter Rd, Ivybridge, PL21 0FN Chairman UK Association of FPOs (UKAFPO) Chairman Fishstock Brixham M: 07860 542071 E: An Overview “The reform will tackle the biggest problem of the Common Fisheries Policy, which …

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Clyde 2020: What do we want and how can we achieve this?

David Mallon Marine Scotland,Head of Marine Environment T: 0131 244 1560 E: W: Isabel Glasgow Chair, Clyde Forum, T: 07908 191976 E: Marine Scotland is a Directorate of The Scottish Government and is responsible for the integrated management of Scotland’s seas. Marine Scotland’s purpose is to manage Scotland’s seas for prosperity and …

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Changes in the ecosystem of the Clyde

Michael Heath Professor of Fisheries Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Strathclyde, 26 Richmond Street, Glasgow, G1 1XH T: +44 (0)141 548 3591 E: W: and Coastal and estuarine cities have always had strong connection to the sea. However, these connections change over time as the needs and demands of …

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The Marine Strategy Framework Directive – Priority measures for achieving Good Environmental Status

Melissa Moore Senior Policy Officer, Marine Conservation Society Also representing Joint Links. This presentation reflects collaborative work by Joint Links NGOs and also builds on work by other eNGOs across Europe. Joint Links consists of Wildlife and Countryside Link, Scottish Environment LINK, Wales Environment Link, and the Northern Ireland Marine Task Force? T: 01989 566017 …

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The Marine Strategy Framework Directive – Programme of Measures

Dominic Pattinson Head of MSFD Implementation Team, Defra T: 020 7238 6025 E: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) requires all EU Member States to take measures to achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) in their seas by 2020 and puts in place a framework to allow co-ordinated action across Europe to improve the marine …

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